Updated Studio & Class Policies
New to Hot Yoga- or just new to our studio? Maybe you haven't taken a yoga class in a while, or are unsure if our studio is a good fit for you? Experience BASK firsthand and see the amazing physical & mental benefits that our classes deliver! Bask was created to be a place that welcomes everyone to practice yoga regardless of their age or fitness level. All classes at Bask are open level, meaning you'll be in class with beginners and experienced yogis alike. Take each class at your own pace- skipping poses, taking breaks, drinking water, and moving in a way that works for your body is encouraged. Our talented instructors offer multiple variations and modifications for poses through the practice- simply, if a movement or pose doesn't work for you, don't feel pressured to do it! Listen to your body and learn to trust the intuitive teacher inside of you.
New Client Intro Offers
can be redeemed one time per new client
Buy 1 Get 1
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added to your account
30 Day Unlimited Trial
30 days
of unlimited classes
Coming to Bask the first time?
1. Create an account - New Client Account Creation
2. Purchase a session or membership - Bask Pricing
3. Register for a class at any of our three studios - Please read our updated studio policies

Is yoga for me?
Yes- Yoga is for everybody! Don't let a lack or flexibility or strength turn you off to yoga! Everyone starts somewhere, and in every single BASK yoga class, we encourage you to do whatever it is you need to do to feel comfortable. Let an instructor know you are new to yoga, and we will be happy to show you a few basics and how to modify any pose to make it work for your body.
Can I take breaks in class?
Yes, at any time feel free to take a break, omit any poses, or take a seat in child's pose or lay flat on your mat if necessary. This is your practice and your time, do what you need to do to honor your body. Sip water and towel off at any point during class.
What is a typical class like?
Every class is structured to include multiple components including: time for meditation & pranayama (breath work), a physical warm up, standing poses, balancing poses, strength building, twists, back bending, and inversions. We conclude each session with Savasana, an integral part of a yoga practice- a final resting posture where all of the physical benefits of our yoga practice can settle in to the body. Please respect the silence, stillness and peace of those around you- and remain quiet and still, if you need to leave class early please do so prior to savasana.
What do I need to wear/bring?
We suggest wearing form fitting clothing similar to what you would wear at a gym, bring a bottle of water, hand towel and a yoga mat. Don't have a yoga mat? We sell a high quality BASK natural rubber yoga mat in studio for $78 +tax, you are welcome to bring your own mat or purchase one of ours. Bottled water is $2 in studio, however we also provide filtered water to refill your personal bottle. Hand towels are available for rent for $1. (Unlimited members get free use of towels) Refrain from wearing perfumes, essential oils, or strongly fragranced lotions.
Is this your first time practicing yoga or maybe this is your first time back in a studio? No problem, all of our classes are open levels and are designed in a way for everyone to follow along and receive the many benefits of yoga, regardless or your age or fitness level.